I have the lowdown on this season’s hottest bags. There are a few styles that are making their mark. From very versatile hues and simple structures to faux fur & lots of logos. These are the trendiest ways to carry your things from one place to another!
You can shop and find these bags at almost every price point. Luxe leather and suede bags are timeless, whether in a classic shape or unusual style this is the bag you should invest in this season. Big, huge bags were all over the fall runways and it’s a trend that I find very useful, whether for a weekend stay or off to work, you can always find a reason to love your big bag.
If you really want to get noticed then logo-mania should interest you. From two-tone, fun choices by Prada to classic insignia from Gucci, your labels will surely turn heads. My favorite bag this season is the Saint Laurent suede shoulder bag. Wow!
And last but not least is the fuzzy, furry bags that make us embrace the winter and cold weather. These fun bags can be worn casually or with a black-tie holiday ensemble. I have seen these styles at every price point so not spending a lot on this seasonal trend is a smart choice.